Meet Your fascia stretch therapy specialist

Tiffani Canevari

Tiffani rock climbing

Tiffani’s Background

Tiffani was born and raised in Santa Rosa, California. At the age of 15 she began working for the local climbing gym, where she learned how to work hard and found her lifelong passion for rock climbing and fitness. She has competed in local climbing competitions as well as traveled to many places across the country and Europe in pursuit of world class climbing destinations. Tiffani went to college at the University of California Santa Cruz where she earned her B.S. in Chemistry. She moved back to Sonoma County in 2017 where she worked in her field of study for three years. She then decided to pursue an underlying passion that had been waiting to surface for a long time: Personal Training. She received her personal training certificate from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in 2019. In the quest for finding work as a personal trainer, Tiffani discovered the world of bodywork with Fascia and was instantly fascinated.

Tiffani’s fascia stretch therapy journey

“Even after reading about it and deciding that I wanted to be a Fascia Stretch Therapist, I had no idea how powerful of a healing art I was getting myself into. While attending school at the Stretch to Win Institute in Arizona, I learned that Fascia Stretch Therapy isn’t just healing the body but it can also significantly reduce stress that is trapped in the body and therefore has a powerful impact on the mind.” 

She pursued a certificate as a Fascia Stretch Therapist which she received in late 2019 as a Level 3 Fascia Stretch Therapy Specialist - the highest level one can achieve. She is constantly continuing to learn and refine her skills so that she can better serve the community.

“It is so amazing how much pain, stress, and anxiety can be dissipated by the right kind of movements and stretches. Everyday I get to go into work, meet people who need my help, and I have the ability to give them the gift of movement without pain.”